The Great Election of '08
November 3rd, 2008 -
Voting Line

       Typically GEORGE POE TRIO does its best to stay clear of emotionally charged topics such as religion, politics, and who really should've won on 'Dancing with the Stars' last time. But this season is a little different: Unless you've been living under a rock for the last 18 months, (assuming that the rock didn't have cable) you probably are aware that there is a historic presidential election tomorrow.

     Sure there will be other politicians of the phylum Promisusanything-tobeelectedous but let's face it, we only think about a judge when we can't get out of jury duty or have a traffic ticket. Senators and state reps go relatively unnoticed until they get caught doing something stupid in a men's room, or sending inappropriate emails to interns and whatnot. Admittedly, there are some fun propositions that come up on the ballot, but most of the time they're worded in such a contradictory and intentionally confusing way that you later find out that you actually voted for something like cows having to wear special glow-in-the-dark pants if they graze within 1500 feet of a drive-in movie complex.

     Yeah, the election is to most Americans is about voting to keep the other guy from making speeches on our TV sets for the next 4 years. We sentence them to exile because their opponent was a better speaker, debater, had a cooler bumper sticker, or whatever, but we simply want the opponent of 'our' candidate to go away. And they do go away for a little while at least.  NOTE:  There have been a few exceptions to this, like 2000 presidential candidate Al Gore. Mr. Gore did not accept the terms of his banishment and managed to upstage everyone by winning a Nobel prize and resurfaced into the public eye. The award was given when Mr. Gore gave an unexpectedly dismal answer when a passerby made a polite comment about the weather. Sources report it went something like this: Unassuming stranger: " Particularly nice weather we're having today, wouldn't you say?" Al Gore: "You call this nice??? It's catastrophic!!! Can't you tell that the world is about to end???" At which point Mr. Gore climbed aboard his private gulfstream jet (emitting 462 lbs of carbon dioxide per passenger per flight hour) and flew off, instantly killing six defenseless polar bears halfway around the world, to make an Academy award winning movie about a 100-minute PowerPoint presentation on clouds. 

     The entire GP3 team encourages you get out to 'Rock the Vote', 'Cast Your Vote', 'Move the Vote', 'Puree the Vote', 'Stroke the Vote', 'Shock the Vote', or whatever you're inclined to do to the Vote that strikes your fancy - Just vote. We feel so strongly about this that we've had the GP3 web team put together a 'warm-up' voting exercise to help you prepare for tomorrow's election. Instead of pretending to vote for who will occupy the official seats of the U.S. government, you may actually help guide GP3 in choosing the favorite band member. And you can do it all online. No standing in line, no hanging chads, just pure democracy at the end of a computer mouse.

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