What to Say: Wedding Toasts


Many find the request to give a toast to the bride an groom to be a daunting task. How does one encapsulate everything that should be said about the couple into a few concise words? To do it well is truly an art. While the members of GP3 are not speechwriters by any stretch, we have served enough wedding receptions to hear some pretty good toasts. Perhaps the few we gathered on the right will help to inspire you.




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Need to write the perfect toast? Let us help get you started           


These may be offered "as is" or included as part of a toast you decide to write on your own.

May your troubles be less
And your blessings be more
And nothing but happiness
Come through your door

May the saddest day of your future be no worse
Than the happiest day of your past

May your glasses be ever full
May the roof over your heads be always strong
And may you be in heaven half an hour
before the devil knows you're dead

May all your ups and downs
Come only in the bedroom

May your neighbors respect you,
Trouble neglect you,
The angels protect you,
And heaven accept you

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GEORGE POE BAND      P.O.Box # 844 Humble, TX 77347-0844         (713) 854-5528     GP3.Admin@gmail.com

Copyright ã George Poe Band.   All rights reserved.